I ran into this today when parsing through my test's log:
Here are the origina…
As noted on https://github.com/biopython/biopython/pull/376 there are warnings from epydoc when parsing the reStructuredText markup in `Bio.Phylo` (some of which are new, others are old problems).
#### File handles
When using `DistanceMatrix.from_file()` you have to pass a file-like object and IMHO that file-like object should be closed in the method after calling it as all its contents are it…
One of the [`DistanceMatrix` examples](http://scikit-bio.org/generated/skbio.core.distance.DistanceMatrix.html) isn't rendering very well:
![screenshot from 2014-03-27 16 37 30](https://cloud.githubu…
A method to merge two distance matrices would be useful for some of the parallel aspects in qiime. A possible signature:
`DistanceMatrix` uses `id`; `BiologicalSequence` uses `identifier`; and `SequenceCollection` uses `identifiers`. What does `TreeNode` use? We should use the same across all of the objects - which shou…
Hi team,
Due to this document http://pycogent.org/cookbook/sequence_similarity_search.html is empty, so I'm looking forward some help about calculating the similarity between two (not aligned) gene s…
As part of QIIME's stable API, `qiime.util.DistanceMatrix` needs to be replaced with something better. It should subclass a numpy array (need to determine which one) in order to easily replace the exi…
(Found due to #63)
DistanceMatrix implements the `__getslice__` method, which has been removed in py3 and raises a warning in py2 with the `-3` flag.
The rationale for having that is explained in [s…