Will sci-wms require a `standard_name` for time?
When zoomed out to the scale of the Gulf of Mexico, the ADCIRC variables looks offset, but the more I zoom in, the better the data lines up.
kknee updated
10 years ago
Only showing up for 3D. Std name is different:
2D: water column vertically averaged east/west velocity
3D: water column vertically varying east/west velocity
so maybe use u,v for 3D and uavg, vavg …
kknee updated
10 years ago
Not sure if this is a JSON update or a UI update, but here are the details for the datasets currently available. Obviously needs to be flexible as new datasets are added.
Inundation Extratropical:
kknee updated
10 years ago
In order to handle unstructured grid datasets with non-integer connectivity arrays like [USF_FVCOM](http://comt.sura.org/thredds/dodsC/data/comt_1_archive/inundation_tropical/USF_FVCOM/Hurricane_Ike_2…
Timeseries plot reports an error, no idea if this is UI or sciWMS
kknee updated
10 years ago
It should be possible to now discover the HF Radar from UCSD and at least one SECOORA model (SABGOM) via the catalog. Can we get a sample notebook going that compares the two surface currents fields…
I have union aggregated the 11 WaveWatch 3 test datasets using NcML, which [worked great](http://comt.sura.org/thredds/dodsC/comt_2_full/pr_inundation_tropical/EMC_ADCIRC-WW3/Dec2013Storm_2D_prelimina…
Although we will likely often use the CSW search to find datasets, it would be useful if the list of datasets on the thredds server at
The default maxele.63.nc file is irretrievable when running `AdcircViz` for the first time.
Here is the output:
>> AdcircViz
Initializing application.
* Adcirc Viz Tool Version 00.NaN
* Proces…