I'm trying to import xodr file in lgsvl but keep popping up error messeges like below.
Failed to update map: You must specify a valid AssetBundle
Missing or wrong Map AssetBundle. Please che…
Nowadays we are trowing when `NaN` values are found in a xodr:
Typically it can be found when describing elevation, superelevation or lane offset.
I've encountered only one xodr map with this beh…
- [x] Remove it from delphyne dependency --> https://github.com/ToyotaResearchInstitute/delphyne/pull/797
- [x] Remove it from delphyne_gui options --> https://github.com/ToyotaResearchInstitute/delp…
I've tried running `RoadGeometry::CheckInvariants()` method for some of the `resources` we currently have in our repository and I found that there are some violations.
Let's use as example LineMul…
Piecewise defined geometries sometimes have descriptions which length is numerically zero (~1e-14)
This causes an error because the range of the geometry can't be defined given that if `length = 0`…
The following XODR description forces the bug.
Click to see XODR
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to import a new map in CARLA. I followed the steps described here:
It works fine until the cration of bin file. …
Piecewise defined functions to describe elevation, superelevations, laneoffsets sometimes have functions that are defined to start at the same S position.(Or numerically at the same position, both thi…
When i import the scenario, when i try to press play/pause button in the Opensenario editor GUI, i am getting the following error.
File "C:\Users\ng85756\Desktop\openscenarioeditor\OpenScenarioEd…
[TRACE] Creating elevation function for road id 4451
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'maliput::common::assertion_error'
what(): piecewise_function.cc:operator():24: Error when…