1. CollapsingToolbarLayout not collapsing when scrolled up
2. Last cards in RecyclerView are not shown while scrolled to end
Snackbars was better used with FAB(CoordinatorLayout),and Retrofit 2.0.0beta is aviliable .
Opps,I was recently working on this project(https://github.com/Harlber/Moose) reference a lot from materiali…
This is a very specific question... The person I am making an app for wants the animated hamburger icon _and_ a collapsing toolbar, but only the things below the toolbar to dim. I tried to use a custo…
The snapping, rubber-banding reset of the program logo header _seems_ to feel like unexpected behavior.
I suggest making it fluid all the way through. It does act fluid if I move it slowly, but boun…
trvbr updated
9 years ago
parallax is not working right when using a lower dpi device (mdpi)
First of all, cool tool. I'm not sure if it solves the problem that i'm working on but it's at least a step in the right direction. (trying to get a close enough xsd for autocomplete in netbeans and o…