**Describe the bug**
Multiplication of either CSC or CSR sparse matrices is prohibitively slow.
**To reproduce**
The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug:
using CUDA
I'm trying to install signalp6 in a singularity/apptainer container to be able to run it on an hpc. When running the installation following error occurs:
I'm trying to run the tutorial notebooks from a docker image built from the provided Dockerfile.
### Missing dependencies
The following dependencies seem to be missing when I try to run all note…
Hi guys,
i am trying to use copyto! from device -> host
the type `115788×115788 CuSparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int32} with 462440 stored entries`
now I will c…
**Describe the bug 🐞**
The LinearExponential() fails, if the ODEProblem is based on a MatrixOperator with a CuSparseMatrixCSC.
**Expected behavior**
The ODE should be successfully solved. Th…
### Expected Behavior
Updating ComfyUI does not install nvidia dependencies on AMD systems
### Actual Behavior
Updating ComfyUI installs nvidia dependencies on AMD systems
### Steps to Reproduce
**Describe the bug**
Some cases of appropriate sparse matrix broadcasts error on CUDA sparse matrices
**To reproduce**
The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug:
using CUDA
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/test_imu_calib.dir/build.make:107:/home/zzh/imu_tk-master/src/bin/test_imu_calib] 错误 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:775:CMakeFiles/test_imu_calib.dir/all] 错误 2
zzhmx updated
2 weeks ago
I would like to make a feature request or contribute to making an preconditioned iterative solver for bicgstab using cusparse wrappers (under `cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg.bicgstab`), which is essential …
**Describe the bug**
The power of the adjoint of a `CuSparseMatrix` does not work anymore. It is only related to Julia v1.10 and not to previous versions.
**To reproduce**
The Minimal Worki…