**Build on any of the SDGs to qualify for the Celo Peace & Prosperity Challenge**
**SDG #7 Affordable and Clean Energy**
**SDG #13 Climate Action**
**SDG #12 Responsible Consumption and Production…
## Context
I'm less optimistic that this request will be successful; I have no idea if the omission of a fluid for meteoric iron was deliberate. Acquiring 200M paperclips in SSP, without a server t…
What would the table of contents look like?
> PROMPT: You are a Chief Financial Officer with 30 years of experience writing Investment Memos that secure deals for unique companies that rely on platform design engineering to make existing market…
**Describe the bug**
az login --service-principal --username xxx --password yyy --tenant zzz
--> Login goes successful.
az devops configure --defaults organization=https://xyz project=xyz
--> Th…
# Real-Time Data Visualization on the Dashboard with graphs
## User Story
As a user, I want to view real-time sensor data (temperature, humidity, and moisture) on my dashboard so that I can moni…
# Improve View Historical Sensor Data on Dashboard
## User Story
As a user, I want to view historical sensor data from my Raspberry Pi so that I can analyze environmental trends over time.
Add feature to import a threat template or a list of pre defined threats. Seems ... chaotic to have to re-add threats for every model that you design. especially if designing a lot of threat models. W…
**Submitting author:** @adrienbanse (Adrien Banse)
**Repository:** https://github.com/genai-impact/ecologits
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss
**Version:** v0.5.0
**Editor:** @F…
Now that we have a decision on the public-facing EC website, we can work with the business area to scope out the needs and functionality will need to be and how it will work.
- [x] Map out AB registr…