On some extremely simple Flux models, Enzyme seems to be slower than Zygote for me. What's going wrong here?
julia> using Flux, Enzyme, Test, BenchmarkTools
julia> mlp = Chain(Flux.flatten, …
I've managed to get into a situation where a custom rule seems incorrect when used within a loop. Here is a MWE
vl = [2, 2]
tot = sum(vl)
rg = [1:2, 3:4]
Nx = 4
iminds = reshape([Ca…
module MWE
using Enzyme: Enzyme
using Distributions: Distributions
function f(x)
d = Distributions.MvNormal([1.0, 1.0])
v = eachcol(x)
With v0.6, DI supports any number of context arguments (constants or caches), but only a single active argument `x` (which comes first).
The last step to full generality is support for any number of …
I was playing around with the `crispr` module and came across a weird error where the cut coordinates of a `cas9` object were way larger than the target sequence.
from pydna.dseqrecord import …
Hi @grassoste, you mentioned that you wanted to discuss a case where a Golden Gate assembly would yield a product where all the backbones are ligated together. You mentioned that you had a minimal exa…
There are some ongoing efforts to make Oceananigans.jl composable with Enzyme.jl (an AD package).
This is currently spearheaded by DJ4Earth:
With a project update her…
Hello, Dr. Alexander Kroll.:
After I downloaded all the files and configured my environment, I can run the example you gave me, but there is no Prediction in the results, and the GNN FP and enzyme re…
#### Current behavior:
29 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Pyrimidine metabolism`.
| Gene | UniProtID | Reaction | GPR| Correlation| Manually …
I'm currently investigating some issues differentiating MLIR-generated LLVMIR with Enzyme. Our pipeline roughly consists of `*Dialects -> LLVMDialect -> LLVMIR -> O2 -> Enzyme`. While in…