setup do
{:ok, pid} = Neuron.start_link()
Add the a command line option taking a filename.
The `transaction submit` will output to the file additional detail plutus script error information in JSON format.
The starting point is this pie…
I want to test that I'm able to abort a request that takes too long for any reason.
I decided to use a task to wrap my request, the task is shut down after a timeout.
I use bypass in my test to simu…
Could we have support for Elixir 1.2 pretty please ?
lowks updated
8 years ago
Currently result tuple requires second value to be map, it would be worth to follow `ExUnit` syntax and allow as well:
- raw map
- raw keyword list
- tuple `{:ok, keyword()}`
defmodule Mod do
@lily_default_octave 1
def default_octave, do: @lily_default_octave
alias Mod, as: M
test_with_params "bad", fn arg -> arg end do
v = M.default_octave()…
I keep getting this warning how to get this resolved?
All I have is a simple module with this:
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
use ExCheck
**warning: this clause cannot match because…
The idea is to read the file that is used by ExUnit to write failed tests, so next time when you open summary of tests, you can already see failed tests even though they were run from the CLI.
- [x] Fix the test case for the failing builds in TravisCI
- [ ] Add more ExUnit test cases
- Ideally, we'd want to monitor and keep unit test coverage over 80%, but for now, we are keeping this o…
## Issue
Trying to stub the `Integer.to_string/2` method does not work.
## Environment
- Elixir 1.11.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 23)
- Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.0.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds…