BPO | [10109](https://bugs.python.org/issue10109)
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Nosy | @tim-one, @rhettinger, @terryjreedy, @merwok
Files | [product.py](https://bugs.python.org/file24270/product.py "Uploaded as text/pla…
Currently we have two somewhat separate types of queries, the one which can make use of positions (mainly spans) and payloads (spans). Yet Span\*Query doesn't really do scoring comparable to what othe…
Attached is a patch for an AutomatonQuery/Filter (name can change if its not suitable).
Whereas the out-of-box contrib RegexQuery is nice, I have some very large indexes (100M+ unique tokens) where q…
## Feature request
#### Feature description
Although stated that new cost-aware penalty functions push the plans away from high-cost spaces and feasibility checks are performed, we still find som…
"consumes the entire iterator" behavior is incompatible with plucking the head from an infinite or a finite but very large iterator, and "cached for the lifetime of the overarching match construct" is…
NOTE: This proposal is outdated and most of PRs are merged. Please refer the [PRs](#implementation)
## Problem Statement
Currently, Hyperspace supports 1 type of index - non-clustered CoveringInde…
We have heard from multiple directions ([interpreters](https://github.com/WebAssembly/function-references/issues/35), [toolchains](https://github.com/WebAssembly/function-references/issues/40), [debug…
When running docker build on the DOCKERFILE, I end up getting this error:
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
command: /home/asnets/venv-asnets/bin/python3 -c 'import sys, setu…
Hi, I am trying to consume a readable with a `for await` loop.
When I create the simple stream below, the console output the error straight away instead of logging the data events first. Is it the ex…
Hi Fei,
Could you give a reference for the EMD approximation you implemented ? Also side question : i've experienced nan errors with EMD, is there a specific version of pytorch it is supposed to work…