**1. What were you trying to do?**
I used `vg rna` to build a spliced pangenome and a pantranscriptome with a GFA file from PGGB and a gff3 file. Similarly, I used `vg autoindex` to build index f…
zwh82 updated
1 month ago
data_processor.generate_training_sample(data_mode, sample_list_file, bin_size, proportion)
# data_mode: Smart_seq
# bin_size: 5
# proportion: 80
When I analyzed smart-seq data …
#### Introduction
I am a new PhD Student at the Walter and Eliza Hall institute in Melbourne, Australia. My project is based around methods and tools for the analysis of DNA methylation in long reads…
Dear @readmanchiu
I am currently using Straglr 1.5.0 and produced the following output for the FGF14 locus. If I am correct there is a discrepancy in the sequence shown in the vcf and the AL/ALR a…
Hello again,
I closed the previous issue I was having as I feel we resolved this - the program ran now after I did a first assembly step to reduce the complexity of a full MGS file of raw data.
I got bitten by something recently and was curious to understand the reasoning behind some filtering choices in VarDict[Java] and whether there is any interest in re-visiting those choices.
I (plus collaborators) would like to contribute schema for the description of genomic data. I have [posted about this](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-schemaorg/2015Aug/0000.html) on …
I have an app that sends the device location upon request. If the location is not retrieved in an specified amount of time, the app sends an notification message.
All works fine if the app is in…
When I use GenomicsDBImport and GenotypeGVCFs , I get the following error: Couldn't create GenomicsDBFeatureReader, I have no problem with running CombineGVCFs with CombineGVCFs.
I referenc…
cc @ValWood
Looking at the following terms:
abolished protein localization to eMTOC (FYPO:0005700)
normal protein localization to eMTOC (FYPO:0005707)
decreased protein localization to eMTOC …