I tried to run _resolveMutSignatures_ for a Mutation Counts object with one sample. Error message:
Error in apply(mutCountData, 2, (function(clmn) { :
dim(X) must have a positive length
I a…
## Data Request: Complete Mutation Information of BBC Patients
**Request Background:**
I recently came across your research study titled "Evolution of synchronous female bilateral breast cancers …
Hello Zhi,
I am trying to run the HiLDA tutorial provided with 3 flanking bases instead of 5 bases on your simulated data and esophageal data. This is the code that I ran (for the simulated data, I…
As a TL I would to check the report consistency, identify and flag inconsistencies so that we can improve confidence in the report.
**Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] Identify report rows where the m…
Dear Marcus or anyone else from Alexandrov Lab,
I'd like to plot a mutation burden per COSMIC signature bubbleChart (like the one from Fig 3 - Alexandrov et al., 2020 - Nature).
I wonder if relyin…
I would need a short information. Are the reference signatures assigned to mice fully generated in silico based on mouse mutational opportunities?
Dear colleagues, dear STAT545/547 team,
I tried something new, and it didn't go down exactly as planned, but I still hope you will enjoy reading my homework :)
Homework 7 repository [HERE](https…
I think it's likely that there is a general expression pattern for how mutated a tumor is. For example, super mutated tumors may have wacky gene expression, solely because they're super mutated and no…