I installed rEDM in linux and tried to use ccm function.
However, what I've got was NA for each prediction
and the error message as the following
In model$run() : no nearest neighbors f…
The solution is missing beyond the section where we create a function which adds a lot of markers to a map.
Use the detection of nearest neighbor outliers to generate a landmark file based on mesh_points and mesh_points_trans for which the nearest neighbor values did not change significantly. If the nearest…
import nmslib
import os
import scipy.sparse
import h5py
k = 100
index = nmslib.init(method='hnsw', space='cosinesimil_sparse', data_type=nmslib.DataType.SPARSE_VECTOR)
x = scipy.sparse.ra…
Start learning on trading data and strategy for enhanced decision making.
I got an error when running RunNiches() stating that
Compute edgelist based on mutual nearest neighbors.
Error in .make_numeric_version(x, strict, .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_versio…
I am currently testing this with a 97940 observation x 218 dimension matrix. Given observations > 20e3, the following statement in **compute_core_distances** is true:
if n > 20e3
Triggered by the recent availability of GPUs in computing resources I had access too, I started investigation how feasible it would be to use the GPU to speed up resampling of satellite imagery.
It would be nice if the KNN weights object also included a distance attribute in addition to neighbors and weights. The weights are all 1, which is not informative. In contrast, distance band weights …
## Reproduce
Run https://docs.lightly.ai/self-supervised-learning/examples/vicregl.html with `transform = VICRegLTransform(n_local_views=0, global_grid_size=9)` (default is `global_grid_size=7`).