[Bayesian optimisation of functions on graphs](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/hash/86419aba4e5eafd2b1009a2e3c540bb0-Abstract-Conference.html)
The current backend of the Fit Track application requires optimization to improve the speed of data responses and requests. This will enhance overall performance by reducing latency and increasing eff…
We need to ensure there are
- no linting issues
- unused imports
- unformatted code
- that client is built before pushing to main if there where any changes in frontend app, i.e., client folder
Marking as @test_throws for now, but we should try to get to the bo…
In #4790 some optimisations were done.
A part of the change caused a [critical bug](https://neos-project.slack.com/archives/C04PYL8H3/p1713801827393029) in the beta8 and slowed down performance eno…
Don't think we ever tried adding NNI and SPR, but would probably be sensible. The radius approach from MAPLE for SPR seems sensible too
Currently dynamic imports include things like routes, error components, and any global components (so if using with `@nuxt/content`). I am _very_ concerned to decrease HTML and number of prefetched re…
This issue is automatically created based on existing pull request: magento/magento2#39290: [FEATURE] Performance optimisation large shopping carts by preventing…
… call duplicate getAction…
In this issue, post a comment per person, containing two references to issues you created, that relate to bugs, or important optimisation that need to be addressed asap. Please use #ISSUE_NUMBER to re…