Currently is searching literally every tile in the map - optimize to tiles only near the line.
Like 2D, UI, 3D, 3D RayTracing
We have tried using Rtabmap with Oak-D-Pro W and Oak-D-Pro-W-POE, both give out very noisy maps. I have tried tuning various parameters within Rtabmap. But it looks like the data from the cameras are …
Noted on a stream here:
First idea is to make use of `VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR` and DX12 equivalent for opaque instances, yet exact reason why…
Try updated
10 months ago
I updated my fork (with #11 ) with several new features (dichroic mirrors, dispersion): https://github.com/BenediktBurger/inkscape-raytracing if someone is interested.
that can be used. For instance downsampling the laser readings (180 ---> 18?) and computing the theoretical laser readings raytracing on a smaller map image (1024x1024 -----> 400 x 400?).
It seems that pybind11 no longer supports Python 2, but ray_tracing only supports Python 2. What should I do? Help me. When I configure it with Python 3, it will output the wrong message:
This issue tracks the integration of @jmeyers314 's Batoid raytracing code with imsim.
Here we list important effects that we should be able to now implement.
- [x] Vignetting
- [x] Diffracti…
bug report:
custom skybox function broken
the edge of volume cloud flickering
the falling water seem to be unconnected from some angle and have a very bad looking while standing close
Need to look at adding GPU Raytracing compared to trying to implement Cycles renderer.