Hi, Felix.
I'm so sorry to bother you again. I have WGBS data from the same batch for two species (Accel Swift data) and have already trimmed it using the method you suggested, with the following c…
Here is my procedure. First I ran dorado basecaller, where I required all modifications to be called:
` dorado basecaller -v sup,inosine_m6A,pseU,m5C --min-qscore 9 --emit-moves -b 64 --mm2-opts {p…
Thanks for developing a convenient tool for the biologist, like me, to quickly establish a local analysis platform. However, there are only Human and Mouse reference genomes in the database. I…
Wir sollten uns auf ein einheitliches Genom einigen, durchprobieren können wir evtl mehr. Wie Lydia meinte, Ensembl GRCh37 ist ~30 GB, NCBI build37.1 ~15 GB, ist also nicht ganz so einfach. -Christoph…
When deciding which SGBs were similar to reference genomes in public databases, what distance and p-values cutoffs were used?
I'm curious if this process works when one maps the reads to a reference genome for another species. For example, we have low-coverage reads (``14x) for one species and have inferred a reference-based…
I am trying to merge gVCF files of UKBIOBANK to eazify the annotation process, but the merging tools in GATK, or BCFtools have a problem with the reference. Although UKBioBank states GRCH38 is used ,…
Hello, When I used the GCI software to assemble my T2T genome, the following error occurred. What happened?
Used arguments:{'reference': '/export/home/zzl/YQ/Genome/Mel.genome.fa', 'hifi': ['/exp…
I am using the blender on a WGS for two BAM files, I am getting this error despite all the reference genome files that I have used
$ sudo sh run_blender.sh hg19.fa.align /datadrive/info.j…
**Describe the bug**
I am trying it for the first time. Can you tell me why loading a reference genome takes so long?
**BISCUIT version**
Program: BISCUIT (BISulfite-seq CUI Toolkit)
Version: 1…