I used the `spec2nii` command to generate sidecar files for Siemens dicom MRS data. I three types single-voxel MRS files: `_ref` (water reference file), `_ECC` (eddy current corrected), and `_noE…
Hi, I am getting the following error when trying to run histoqc on .svs files.
`python -m histoqc -c v2.1 -n 3 "./input_svs_test/*.svs"`
2024-07-03 15:43:52,680 - INFO - --…
After connecting to SVS viewer and running our ITL/Thor agent for a bit to add all of the scene data to SVS, the viewer crashes with this output in the terminal:
qhull_in = /tmp/qhull_in_irf6e…
I am using the complete wf-human-variation pipeline v.2.2.4 (previously I used dorado 0.6.0) with --sv --snp --phased --cnv options. I have **3 affected siblings** (A1, A2 and A3) with both the **dele…
Hello! Great job! I would like to know a few things. Interested in SVS (POPCS)
1) Can you tell me about inference? What files are used for inferencing? What's the recipe? How did you manage to repeat…
I'm attempting to get a merged vcf file of two different SVs callers (Delly and Lumpy). So I used StructuralVariantAnnotation to get both vcfs into GRanges objects. I used findBreakpointOverlaps() and…
Hi @lgmgeo
I am running AnnotSV on several samples (6 samples) which includes two trios from patients. Does AnnotSV support prioritizing structural variants (SVs) in trio samples, or is there a reco…
After building and exporting an SVDB database with `svdb --export --db gms_svs_cnvs.db`, trying to bgzip and tabix the resulting file results in
[E::hts_idx_push] Unsorted positions on…
When I convert a pyvips object to numpy, I encounter a memory overflow issue. After I chunk the image and write it back to the same SVS file, the SVS file becomes unusable. Is there a problem with my …