This could potentially be done just with a clever regex? In `//msIdentifier` and also need to change the `//publicationStmt/idno`
Is it possible to reproduce the layout of the Syriac in the catalog (i.e. divide the Syriac into separate lines)? It looks muddled on the website.
Cf. https://archive.org/details/catalogueofsyria02…
I have been unable to locate an ID for the Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt attributed to Ephrem the Syrian. The text begins:
ድርሳን፡ ዘይቤ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ማር፡ ኤፍሬም፡ በእንተ፡ አብርሃም፡ አበ፡ አበው፡ ዐርከ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወበእንተ…
When a place has an exact match with another place in any headword (Syriac or English), it would be good to dynamically generate a visible form for the HTML place page which appends the "place/ID#" po…
@wlpotter Would you want to add one more sentence describing how this was generated (does it list top level items only?, is there a numberic cut off for items?).
Here is an example from record 35
Wright refers to the Man of God as Alexius Romanus.
@wlpotter Should https://syriaca.org/documentation/author-editor-roles.xml be updated to https://bl.syriac.uk/documentation/author-editor-roles.xml?
Hi @wsalesky
So, working on revising the titleStmt for records that are in more than one module. Should we just eliminate all titles that are not tei:title @level="a" ?
For example, right now we wou…
### Problems with Manuscript Contents
There is a place with an arabic inscription, and this is what the xml says
**see word doc** % I.e, with points: % (sic) % (sic) %
should I copy the inscrip…
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