I'm trying to combine my TACO output and TD output within this command but it returns error:
`$TD_PATH/util/cdna_alignment_orf_to_genome_orf.pl longest_orfs.cds.transdecoder.gff3 ../TACO/out…
Hello everyone
While running autoTrinotate.pl I got this error after 2 days of hmmscan run:
* Running CMD: hmmscan --cpu 22 --domtblout TrinotatePFAM.out /mnt/beegfs/manoud/aa_assembly_run4…
Hi all!
I am trying to combine the files below:
1. `masked.A.gff` from **directly runing AUGUSTUS with genome file** and converting by `augustus_GFF3_to_EVM_GFF3.pl`;
2. `augustus.hints.B.gtf` fr…
wu116 updated
12 months ago
After we called variants using the GATK pipeline, is there a way to annotate the variants as synonymous or non-synonymous using ORF annotations generated by Transdecoder?
Thank you so much!
Hi brian,
can I change following into
-outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-3 > blastp.outfmt6
-outfmt 7 -evalue 1e-3 > blastp.outfmt7
because in same directory I already have blastp.outfmt6 file from Tr…
I did trinity assembly and then polished it using TransDecoder and cd-hit. Then I run the downstream analysis using `align_and_estimate_abundance.pl`, but got the following error:
Mapping Info…
I'm trying to use EVM to combine two things:
- output of BRAKER1 which used GeneMark **and Augustus trained with RNA-seq data** (BAM alignment file of the RNA-seq to the (masked) genome). I…
I keep getting the error below while trying to run the autoTrinotate.pl script for my Trinity-assembled transcriptome (fasta file).
Any advice on where the issue may lie would be greatly ap…
I'm working on integrating this into my VEBA pipeline (github.com/jolepsin/veba) and will be running multiple instances of this at the same time. I can't do that when the final files are output into t…
I'm getting segmentation faults thrown with one transcriptome, tried running both blastx and blastp and both fail. See here for the files: