On my Xubuntu 20.04 setup where I got the icon theme from the exact same github, the panel looks like this:
MIX 2S MIUI12.5 已root已隐藏未授权软件 安装xfce版本后,只显示任务栏和鼠标,其他黑屏 在卸载后安装了lxqt版本后,除鼠标外全部黑屏,来回测试多次都这样
I install CachyOS with online XFCE, and this distro not startx with problem of login on xfce session, then i install this with offline installation and run normal with Gnome session, please fix onlin…
### Problem description
### Steps to reproduce the behavior.
### What is the expected behavior?
### …
### Describe the bug
On my Xubuntu system, tooltips tend to stick around, but only after selecting an Instance from under library. Before that, everything works as expected. After selecting an instan…
May Switchy have support to XFCE environments?
It's based on GTK, it doesn't differs too much from GNOME , and, given that
Chrome and XFCE are aimed to performance, I think that fits perfectly!…
To randomly pick (shuffle) a wallpaper out of a set of wallpapers, I had
exec-once=swaybg -i $(shuf -n1 -e /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/ArchSimple.png /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/arch2024.jpg /u…
May Switchy have support to XFCE environments?
It's based on GTK, it doesn't differs too much from GNOME , and, given that
Chrome and XFCE are aimed to performance, I think that fits perfectly!…
I've problem with VirtualBox 6.x because of [color scheme bug](https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/18258) so [I've been advised](https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=1851729#p1851729) to …
May Switchy have support to XFCE environments?
It's based on GTK, it doesn't differs too much from GNOME , and, given that
Chrome and XFCE are aimed to performance, I think that fits perfectly!…