Android cross compiling g2o crashes with the following error:
> CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
> Please set them or make sure they are se…
Tried to compile this - something's wrong with the Costy code. Reverted to a847321 which built ok except for hdf5 error which I'll log separately.
Don't seem to be able to attach files so here's the …
What this means for the resulting combination, I'm not sure.
Sparse constructor `sparse` should purge all zeros but it does not when combining two entries to zero:
julia> sparse([1,1], [2,2], [1,-1])
1x2 sparse matrix with 1 Int64 entries:
[1, 2] …
There are currently two `triu` and `tril` methods for sparse matrices. One in `csparse.jl` [here](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/e637e75a38ade7a80fb1f867ac1b50fec1e2cb10/base/sparse/csparse.j…
Right now,
julia> i = [1:100;]; j = [1:100;]; v = fill(5,100); m = 5; n = 5
julia> sparse(i,j,v,m,n)
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 6-element Array{Int64,1}:
at inde…
When I try to use with Kinect2, the below error appeared.
How can I solve this problem?
rgbdslam: /home/aginika/ros/indigo/src/rgbdslam/src/node.cpp:315: Node::Node(cv::Mat, cv::Ptr, cv::Ptr,
Constructing a large sparse matrix, using Int32 indices is a lot slower. Is this a performance bug or expected behavior? I kind of thought it would be quicker due to more elements being available in c…
On my system the Trilinos package won't compile, the dependencies work fine.
I know that this package is cumbersome.
The error is in the cmake configure phase. If I build the package by hand, it work…
Currently only SuiteSparse/CHOLMOD benefits from the block AMD ordering. This
can have a significant performance impact on the cholesky factorization