- Other types of model changes: addXml, RemoveXMl, etc.
- Multiple trajectories
- Non-scalar parameters (e.g., lists, dictionaries)
- Parameter values which are KiSAO terms
Currently, COPASI appears to only support KISAO terms for three algorithms. COPASI also appears to have no KISAO support for algorithm parameters.
- Timecourse
- Continuous
- KISAO:0000019: C…
This question is for the GillesPy2 developers
id: pyneuroml
version: 0.5.18
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_pyNeuroML/2f5ee2d7e53e5f47e98a260ac8dba1abb548c018/biosimulators-pyneuroml.json
* Flag to indicate whether KiSAO terms for algorithms should be strictly interpreted, or similar algorithms can be substituted
* Path to save status log file. See biosimulations/Biosimulations#1733
# Issue
SED-ML provides a simple way to reference variables using XPath, but there is no way to reference the first (or higher-order) derivatives of those variables (without changing the model), desp…
id: gillespy2
version: 1.5.7
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_GillesPy2/ac4166fee2ccde97f69a845c58ba8f0fa9bce10a/biosimulators.json
id: tellurium
version: 2.2.0
specificationsUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biosimulators/Biosimulators_tellurium/8b6b6f4e129101737a668c3e21e8795679f32a09/biosimulators.json
# Issue
SED-ML can currently not perform typical fbc simulations.
These would include things like
* optimization
* setting boundaries
* adding LP constraints
Typical simulation experiments ar…
The sedml specification states that the kisao term should be provided KISAO:0..x rather than the KISAO_0..x format in the [kisao_algorithm_map in core.py](https://github.com/biosimulators/Biosimulat…