From http://www.joda.org/joda-time/:
>The standard date and time classes prior to Java SE 8 are poor. By tackling this problem head-on, Joda-Time became the de facto standard date and time library …
Issue to be confirmed. Cannot reproduce it yet.
More details here: http://stackoverflow.com/q/42341774/521799
Spring Boot 2.0.0
We create a `DataSource` programatically in a `@Configuration` bean (because the mechanism used to fetch the user, password, and URL for the environment is custom). The `@Bea…
After setting the `spring.jpa.hibernate.use-new-id-generator-mappings` property to `true` via YAML, I see a NPE in the stacktrace when starting my Spring Boot application
When inlining `Timestamp` bind values that are of type `PostgresDataType.TIMESTAMPWITHTIMEZONE`, the values are incorrectly inlined (without bind value)
While this particular data type is provided by…
The server log has
in command execution : com.sun.enterprise.modul…
I'm not familiar with the Java API that js-joda is based on, but it seems like there's an unfortunate ambiguity in timezone handling (though js-joda is definitely better than native JS Date or moment …
Up to version 9.4.1208, the `DatabaseMetaData#supportsRefCursors` returned `false`,
so in, Hibernate, this is how we would fetch the REF_CURSOR from the JDBC `ResultSet`:
return (ResultSet) ca…
To persist employee rostering patterns and antipatterns, such as persisting that any nurse working Saturday, Sunday and Monday in a row is a bad thing, it would be useful to read and write DayOfWeek i…
This prevents stored procedure `OUT` parameters from working with JSR 310 types like:
- `LocalDate`
- `LocalTime`
- `LocalDateTime`
- `OffsetTime`
- `OffsetDateTime`
Note, that the latter wi…