Hi there,
I am using maftools in RStudio. With the included/example laml maf file I am able to plot an oncoplot and sort by a clinical feature. It works beautifully. Below is the plot I get when I …
The latest version of ANNOVAR (2018Apr16) in my computer, however web-based checking to see whether ANNOVAR new version is available ... Failed
Database also cannot be downloaded.
How to s…
I'm trying to apply filters using --info field for my ANNOVAR annotated VCF.
I'm able to run this expression for **gnomAD_genome_ALL** filtering:
~/resources/slivar expr \
--pass-only \
nroak updated
5 years ago
The script `familyKeyMatchingAfterANNOVAR.py` should take a multi sample "GenomeAnnotationsCombined" ANNOVAR file as input and match shared homozygous or heterozygous genotypes for selected samples an…
Annovar in annovarForMpa module should be given the possibility to be mutlithreaded using option -thread nb_thread, variable passed via the inputs.json file
In conjunction with #9 need to consider alternative staging methods for reference files, especially in cases where a path to an entire directory is passed such as for ANNOVAR databases and some genome…
I'm trying the following command
**perl annotate_variation.pl -downdb -webfrom annovar --buildver hg19 1000g2015aug humandb/**
**perl annotate_variation.pl -downdb -webfrom annovar --buildve…
I am trying to annotate some samples and when reading the gene_fullxref.txt file the software crashes. I read the error but I do not understand it at all. Could you give me a clue?
This was my…
The Polyphen scoring seem to be missing in both hg19/hg38. For example:
wget http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/hg19_dbnsfp35c.txt.gz
gunzip hg19_dbnsfp35c.txt.gz
Exceptionally I receive the error below when parsing output from snpEff (not all my vcf files return the error)
I assume some discrepency between the FORMAT info fields and the content of the vcf lin…