### Solution: use buffers, don't log off too quickly.
I'm having problems registering/logging in with sentry files. I've tried both setting them myself and saving the one received through the sentry …
Can I make an offer with these codes on a new computer?
It works on my desktop but it wont trade really it goes into the window but it always says trade not completed/NO ITEMS COMMITED.
I am a dota2 trader and a beginner in the C++ language. I would like to know if someone can help me with C# , making me a SteamBot for Dota 2 trade, i will provide you all the needed info (what's …
The bug in Steam which can cause items to skip certain events is becoming more acknowledged, and really should be the most important thing to focus on right now. There is a way to fix this and I have …
With my bot I required it to send a trade request and I came across this function, which I think is what I need.
SteamTrade.prototype._send = function(action, data, callback) {
Is this possible without adding a custom emitter?
Hi seishun,
Today, maybe Steam has released some update. All bot's Confirm action were failed. The result is always
Looks like in the last few days something has changed which broke this library. I can respond to a trade request and send/receive messages and even put an item up for trade and make that trade, but as…
Bot can not trade with people who have inventory open only to friends. As well bot does not see its own inventory if inventory done private or friends only. This is a bug? How to fix it?