I propose to add optional computation of diagnostics during sampling.
To achieve this, I propose to read the csv files to:
(1) track the proportion of treedepth exceeded
(2) track whether any pos…
This will involve splitting the data into training and validation sets and comparing parameter values.
Is there documentation on what the input structure is for the function `log_posterior_fn` in line 114 of models.py? These are essentially the BNN params and I want to understand how these params are a…
In XBMC and flash player in browser on Android, in XBMC on linux Video: H.264 / AVC 1569 kbit/sec Audio: MPEG-4 AAC does not work.
sample: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5rEsasQxLy_aVozZWxEeXdlNGs/…
mvlm updated
10 years ago
when I change the sampling interval from ten seconds to one second the vertical coordinate is scaled by a factor of four -- for example, from 5 cm at 4h to 20cm at 4h (as per plots below). I'm also a…
Very exciting to learn about this effort! A julia native ML package improving on Sklearn is one of the key missing pieces of the ecosystem.
Here's a list of ideas I'd like to bring to your attentio…
The background is that in Encoder-Decoder model used for translation from "Attention Is All You Need" I desired to mask-out the padding in sentence passed to Encoder's MultiHeadAttention, but I…
mashu updated
8 months ago
Returns the level of detail that would be used when sampling a texture with a sampler + a certain set of texture coordinates.
SPIR-V: [OpImageQueryLod](https://registry.khronos.org/SPIR-V/specs/uni…
Travis tests are taking a long time with the current demo notebook. I'm going to simplify the tests in the notebook and use separate, local scripts to run more meaningful tests. Similar to #16, I'm …
Hi @AliaksandrSiarohin! Thank you so much for the great work. I would like to train the model with higher resolution ( 512 x 512 size ), and I checked some people tried it already as I can see it on #…