Ground check system current using Compenet system with RaycastCommand called 5 times. Roundly 300 entity scence take 5 to 6 ms on main thread per update. Need to review unity dots fpa example to see h…
So, if I made an animation in one level and I want to move it to a new scene, **what could I do?**
Like in the image, I selected an animation with keyframes, and I need to move it to a new scene …
Avkto updated
2 years ago
**Godot version:**
**Issue description:**
Using [`Node.replace_by`](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.1/classes/class_node.html#class-node-method-replace-by) to replace an instanced scene…
Instance Segmentation
- [Sentinel-2 Cloud Mask Catalogue (Francis, A., et al., Nov 2020)](https://zenodo.org/record/4172871#.YITILx_is2w) 513 cropped subscenes (1022x1022 pixels) taken randomly fro…
Hey :wave:, thank you for this awesome plugin.
One of the nice feature of using `[OnReadyGet]` is that it allows dependency inversion. Making the code a lot more cleaner and way more maintainable.
Initial report in: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.selection-groups/issues/61
[Exception] ArgumentException: The scene is not loaded.
It seems like setting `limits` for an image is broken in the sense that the axes are rescaled, but things outside of them are still part of the scene. Am I using `limits` wrong?
Below is an example…
# Describe the bug
Additive Scenes using Scene Interest Management component throws the follow error in hosted mode:
KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary
I Managed to compile jar file and native image for HelloPi after adapting the code . The jar file runs fine , but HelloPi native throws the following
`./HelloPi: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: v…