Dear sir
I have a question about how to run wisdem unit tests successfully:
Microsoft Windows
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\jason2>cd "C:\Users\jason2\…
Currently, only analytical components can be used in optimization and DoE analysis. It should be also possible to use a DD component in these analyses, similar to a normal analytical component. This c…
The DES models were developed as standalone components. It should be possible to integrate them in a DoE or optimization analysis, where the various parameters of the DES models are set by the DoE/Opt…
'dump' recorder is redundant. The code generator template for Problems is cluttered with the type-specific if-else statements which can be cleaned.
This will help the user to store the DoE results on the server and `FileLink` and `FileLinks` objects from `IPython.display` module can be used in the notebook to provide downloadable links of the sam…
JacketSE has been updated quite a lot off line; need to make sure its updated on github and that the assemblies for WISDEm using the jacket are updated as well (note: may need to check on the status o…
Started getting this error a couple days ago:
`ImportError: /home/travis/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/special/../../../../libgfortran.so.3: version `GFORTRAN_1.4' not found (required by…
Hi. I've just noticed that doc links are broken on the OpenMDAO website (2.x not found, 1.x points to 2.0.2).
Below is the log generated. (Updated)
All is fine until python tried to install Turbine_CostsSE. Any suggestions on why this is happening.
My environment variable is set to
> C:\Python27
I've noticed from the NREL NWTC WISDEM website that the windows instructions are a bit dated. For example, openmdao is now on version 1.7.3. Also, Boost is on version 1.63, and if you are going to u…