I would like to add file **PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE** to repo:
Please check if what you want to add to `awesome-go` list meets
[quality standards](https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go/blob/master/…
We need to make a pass to address golint output: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/nats-io/gnatsd.
Specifically, make a pass to address comments for exported functions variables. Less focus …
I'm not sure what the string should be otherwise I would have made the PR myself, but there are multiple `go vet` issues in `protoc-gen-swagger/genswagger/template_test.go`:
All of them worked before. I just added a new one, https://go.pedge.io/base, and it does not work. I tried refreshing the others and they do not work anymore either. The error "Co…
Hi, there are multiple `go vet` errors in `gonx/reader_bench_test.go`:
The `Sprintf` doesn't do anything in these cases because it's n…
I've seen this happen a few times: when trying to `go get` something, one of the dependencies (which is already on the server) is messed up somehow:
2016/04/06 04:28:51 Go getting "github.com/app…