## Add ALU (Alcatel Lucent) Support to Device-Manager
Affected Files:
### Tool
Hardware Simulator
### Interface
Website (https://nand2tetris.github.io/web-ide)
### Contact Details
### What feature are you proposing?
I was working on the ALU a…
g++ --std=c++11 -fopenmp -c alu.cpp -ltfhe-spqlios-fma -ltfhe-spqlios-avx
alu.cpp: In function ‘void bootsCOPYPointer(LweSample*, LweSample*)’:
alu.cpp:344:16: error: use of deleted function ‘LweSam…
In multiply, we using `T0` to store high byte of result , using `T1` to store low byte of result. In each step, after we added `{8{A[n]}} & B` to `T0`, we need to Shift `T0` right with shift in `0`, a…
구현한 사람은 어떻게 구현했는지 설명하고, 구현하지 못한 사람은 어느 부분에서 막혀서 구현하지 못했는지 얘기해봐요!! 구현 쉽지 않았을텐데
- create a package with the instruction, funct3, funct7, alu_ops enums
We need to upgrade our ALU to handle 4-bits operations.
When converting a VHDL design to verilog, a signal connection is not well parsed.
The signal alu_q is connected to a module output (line 5845) but it's also assigned a value (lin…
The following arithmetic operations may result in unchecked overflow, resulting in different behavior in debug vs release compilation mode. For each of these, the desired resolution is likely (a) the …
Tengo la duda de si debemos utilizar las sources de registro y clock que se entregaron con el proyecto base en el repositorio. Además, ¿debemos simplemente completar dicho proyecto base, o debemos ext…