I was able to get the simple example to run without issues except for the final render_PN call. The resulting graph displayed IDs instead of Labels
the transitions look like this... much differen…
The performance of the token animation is very slow in the current Chrome build. For example, the following code wrong the vignette is painfully slow:
When using process_map and rendering a graph with the latest version of everything (see sessionInfo() below), the process maps seem to be rendering with text fonts which are too large and activity box…
zyaar updated
4 years ago
According to latest revdep check results, exporting `:=` is problematic for packages bomrang, bupaR, edeaR, heuristicsmineR, TPP, xesreadR and seplyr (although different error for this one).
i.e. …
I'm setting a consistent problem with edeaR using dplyr 0.8.3 whenever I try to use edeaR with grouped_eventlogs I get the various errors (only with grouped though):
Here are two simple examples (t…
zyaar updated
4 years ago
When using process_map and rendering a graph with the latest version of everything (see sessionInfo() below), the process maps seem to be rendering with text fonts which are too large and activity box…
zyaar updated
4 years ago
The filter_precedence functions fails when activity labels contain parentheses.
Below is a minimal example where the filter is expected to return the entire event log:
Since recently, probably due to a Shiny update, I get the following JavaScript syntax error when using shinycssloaders:
> Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #._bookmark_
# Setup
Runtime: about 7 hrs.
Most of the warnings are due to me not updating R to 3.4.4, rather than significant warnings. May filter later, but wanted to save in case I lost.
add example converting existing data to eventlog
add links to bupar.net and datacamp.