> 数字后面跟着英文字符则在数字后添加空格(适用于数字+单位,例如 1 GB)
这条规则是从 [ricoa/copywriting-correct](https://github.com/ricoa/copywriting-correct) 那里搬过来的。
Create some mock ups/designs just to make sure we're envisioning the same frontend solution (and maybe the copywriting/design of the actual emails, and/or a software architecture diagram). Whatever yo…
-Un botón de suscripción.
-Descripción (Copywriting).
-Este conectado Mailchimp.
I noticed that this page https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/zh-CN was not following [Chinese copywriting guidelines](https://github.com/sparanoid/chinese-copywriting-guidelines).
For exam…
un boton de suscripcion
Descripcion CopyWriting
este conectado Mailchimp
Django 文档翻译团队
### Overview
Create a messaging document with foundational language about what we care about, what the personal statement generator does, why we made it, etc. to reference for all future communicatio…