认知建模作为心理学领域新兴的领域,能更好地通过数学模型量化心理过程。DDM (drift diffusion model)作为认知建模最流行的工具之一,近年来受到了广大研究者和同学的关注。然而,对于缺乏计算机和算法相关背景的同学来说,如何**配置计算建模的环境**,如何**进行模拟拟合**等问题阻碍了同学们学习认知建模的热情。
本项目旨在使用 docker 对 DDM 的分析工具 …
## 一言でいうと
・Empirical Error Minimization
・Representation Compression
### 論文リンク
### 著者/所属機関
Ravid Shwartz-Ziv
Naftali Tis…
I've been working on this article lately and want to use the new functions in the rstan package.I want to get started with the new function for the 7-parameter drift diffusion model.Then I ran into th…
Hi. First off, thank you for making Aestimo, it seems very very useful for what I am trying to do. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to run properly. There seem to be a few bugs at the moment. Here is a …
See: https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10113
DiffEqJump now has spatial SSAs. Thats awesome.
I was wondering whether modeling interparticle forces between pair of molecules is important in this area of jump processes on spatial grids. (Not v…
This summer I am working on implementing spatial SSAs. There are currently two issues open about it: https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqJump.jl/issues/107 and https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqJump.jl/issues…
The fitSSP function is much slower than the fitDSTP function. This is because a random number is generated on every iteration of the diffusion process in SSP due to dependencies on a dynamic standard …
Re https://github.com/openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/4607
This is a very nice notebook as it clearly demonstrates PyFPT's limitations and points to ways how to overcome these. I found parts of it…
- [x] Allow for re-sampling of the starting point
- [x] Make conjugate updates work with the FPT setting
- [x] Allow for different memory parameters `rho` of the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson scheme…