I've been trying to use wgd V2 to calculate a Ks peak
I've taken a subset of my CDS (~3K sequences)
When I run
wgd dmd subset.fasta
I get:
![Screenshot 2024-06-25 at…
I think the code in https://github.com/waldronlab/lefser/blob/devel/inst/scripts/zeller14.R should be updated with a newer version of curatedMetagenomicData:
``` r
I ran "wgd dmd" and "wgd ksd" before and everything worked fine, but running "wgd syn" failed,
wgd syn -o PeniCBMAcds.syn -ks PeniCBMAcds.ksd/PeniCBMAcds.fasta.ks.tsv -f mRNA -a ID PeniCBMAcds.gff P…
Thanks for developing this software.
When I run the second step it reports an error. I am running 3 gene families, I wonder if this is the cause?
1.GALEON_ControlScript.py clusterfinder -a ing…
I am encountering difficulties when attempting to input GeneBank files into the BIG-SCAPE ,please guide me
Hi everyone,
thank you very much for this nice contribution to the community!
I tested GenEra on our cluster.
here, I observed the following on stdout:
Illegal option --
Illegal option…
When I ran the sample file using
snakemake --configfile config_example.yaml --use-conda --cores 4 --scheduler=greedy
I got error report like this:
Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /u…
I'm using PPanGGoLin for some time and I'm really loving the tool and the ease of use.
I searched for this issue but I wasn't able to find, so here it goes.
We get the locus tags when usi…
Thank you for creating such a great tool.
I have one question, your tool doesn't seem to generate the gene count matrix directly. If I want to generate a count table in addition to gene presence abs…