- [x] OpenOCD support for Kintex Ultrascale
- [x] Dual flash support
- [x] JESD204 for Kintex Ultrascale (GTH)
- [ ] JESD204B SC1 synchronization and group-delay/latency alignment
- [ ] port of DR…
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MiSoC Bootloader
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 M…
The Sayma gateware/software development for 2017 needs to be sorted. Here's a breakdown of what's in the ARL and Oxford procurement pipelines. If there are additions or modifications to Task Groups A …
I'm trying to add simple DMA device to the lowrisc (lowRISC 0-4 milestone release), I'm following the tutorial on the following link:
Kintex Ultrascale -1 or -2 choice for price.
The only relevant difference that I can see right now is: (http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/data_sheets/ds892-kintex-ultrascale-data-sheet.pdf)…
In #97 @hartytp asks
> Assuming we don't find any major mistakes in the prototype hardware, when do you think a second hardware order will take place? This will affect how much prototype hardware …
Summarize number and types of signals on RTM.
# Xilinx Artix7 (A7)
- provides low-speed IO for ICs on RTM
- p/n Xilinx XC7A15T
- RTM connect
- A7 transceivers to KU IOSERDES (how transceivers?)