Add a UV record,IP:,区域:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/England/London,页面:https://www.spatxos.cn/2022/09/21/cnblogs/16708226/
It seems that you have individual codes for Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, which is nice, but the overall "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" country code you're …
Right now there is a boast of "democratic governance" in the letter. However, as explained in #3, "Western" can refer to NATO members or their neighbors and allies, and as explained in #5, the UK is i…
Pretty straightforward, just replace U.K., Guernsey, England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland in Nationalities to Great Britain.
My team was looking at the flags and looks like there are some incorrect ones.
* -African Union incorrect flag-
* [x] Indonesia (top color wrong)
* [x] Iraq outdated flag (2004-2008)
* -Myanmar …
Support converting countries by their common "nick names". E.g. Accepting "United Kingdom" for "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
It is currently possible to used different grid systems to set up plots within a single project (e.g. TTI has a mix of OS grid and WGS84). I don't think it likely that any project would actually desir…
On the search page (https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/institution/search?) querying for the string displayed for UK collections "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" returns no results.
Great package! Would be very relevant for many medical UK researchers like me to have a customisable feature for the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland). Good luck!