## Bug report
### Required System information
- Node.js version: 18.2.0
- NPM version: 8.9.0
- Strapi version: 4.10.5
- Operating system: Windows 10
### Describe the bug
The S…
If the "Navigation Data" option is enabled in the plugin this exception appears in the log:
Mar 17 17:23:55 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'latitude') at callback (/home/pi/.sign…
dpazz updated
2 months ago
i imported an DCF-File as OD-file and connected it with a node. This DCF-File includes a predefined heartbeat and a predefined PDO, which should be send on sync-messages. This works perfectly …
When check now is run, the first two steps are normal.
The containers of "stellar-dummy e…
Node-red: 3.1.8
node-red-node-pi-gpio: 2.0.6
Nodejs: 20.12.1
Raspberry Pi 5 (64bit)
My flow uses multiple "rpi-gpio in" nodes to monitor if an IO port is 0 or 1. Debouncing is set to 100mS (chan…
### Which node are you reporting an issue on?
### What are the steps to reproduce?
use "pi-gpiod in" node (local RPi4) to connect to a remote input pin (remote RPi3+)
### Which node are you reporting an issue on?
### What are the steps to reproduce?
Import this flow and in my case the pins are in the "stopped" state. Also when trying to s…
**Describe the bug**
I encountered the following error in the Network account while deploying TSE-SE v1.10.0-a with LZA v1.10.1:
**As an** engineer
**I want** to set up Raspberry Pis to use as the control plane nodes for my cluster
**so that** I can decentralize my control plane
**and** increase the portability of my cluster…
i am trying to install chatbot on a node-red installation on a raspberry. unfortunately i get the following error:
`2023-12-06T09:39:25.846Z Install : node-red-contrib-chatbot 1.2.4