`pyhkal.contrib.decide` provides a Decision Finding Algorithm (DFA, see Knuth for details on that topic). We should settle that algorithm in a way that satisfies our requirements, which are as-of-now…
i paste my skins everywhere! in .local/share/ddnet, in .teeworlds and in my home directory but my skin isnt shown in the list of skins!
friend suggests to add a flood delay between messages to avoid flood disconnects from irc, or my idea -_- a reconnect on drop .
When using a znc bouncer YAAIC does not show any channels on my Orange San Francisco mobile phone (aka. ZTE Blade internationally), just the status-window and optionally the window informing about new…
I've got thelounge running in private mode with "locknetwork" enabled. It seems though that users can still add additional servers/networks even though it's locked to the configured netw…
[10:07:02] Plugin '' threw exception, exinfo: '(, ValueError('chr() arg not in range(256)',), )', traceback: '[('/plugins/ut…
Originally reported by: **[anarcat](https://bitbucket.org/anarcat) (Bitbucket)**
a startup script would be nice, to allow this thing to start automatically o…
2013-02-12 20:37:01,932 - errorlog - INFO - Command issued by lox|samta!~Lauxley@did75-22-78-236-197-173.fbx.proxad.net : ping
2013-02-12 20:37:39,734 - errorlog - INFO - Command issued by lox|samta!~…
Freenode uses the following message:
This nickname is registered. Please choose a
different [...]
Note that there is only one space after the first dot, unlike the other check that you do.
Many IRC proxies use separate connections for each separate network. Typically these separate connections will differ only in the server password supplied, which connects you to different sessions on …