Hi Yuhang,
I'm trying your dataset in my project, but I couldn't find the keyframes' original rgb image or depth image. It might not be decent to use the reconstructed data to do place recognition, d…
Hey thanks for this wonderful work, the performance of 2D-3D recontruction is just eye-openning. I am just wondering whether the action recognition inference code for custom video is released yet, I c…
os: Ubuntu 22.04
but ros is in a docker: Ubuntu 20.04
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
I have a D455, I use it combined with rtabmap to ge…
The latest PCL release is [v1.13.1](https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/releases/tag/pcl-1.13.1). What does `sudo apt install libpcl-dev` install. Can the package version that is being installed …
What's the reason for writing some part of the code in Python (as far as I can see there is a part of front-end, and that neighbors-handling node) and another part in C++ (another part of front-…
Parameters need to be consistent with other tools with agparser
I am using opendr installed on my computer on the develop branch, I am feeding the rgb camera topic and the depth_image like this one…
Question: Summarize the papers, focus on their advances
The papers discussed in Sakpere2017 and Kunhoth2020…
I'm trying to use ST-GCN on a custom dataset with 10 classes and a custom number of joints (i.e. 21 joints)
However, I get size mismatch errors when I use test.yaml after training the data.…