After the 9x3 layout, the shulker can't take any other items with the quick shulker mod, the shulker does not work with shulker loaders, the same error, after the 9x3 is filled the shulker wont take m…
When I use Orebfuscator the frame rate drops. Any way to fix this?
version: 2
checkForUpdates: true
updateOnBlockDamage: true
bypassNotification: true
initialRadius: 1
It seems that you're not able to stack into Shulker Boxes, which would be really useful to have. Even if only when placed
Add shulker box boats so when you break it the content of the box won't spill out and it ease's portability
thanks in advance
Sodium 0.6.0-beta.1 released yesterday for 1.21.x and it claims to have added proper support for the Fabric Rendering API and most mods should no longer require Indium. This mod says it requires Indiu…
I have added mini blocks for all the shulker boxes to the heads.yml in the following manner:
name: Mini Gray Shulker Box
texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InV…
In the latest versions of fabric-carpet stackableShulkerBoxes setting makes shulker boxes stack inside inventories without player interaction (for example a hopper pushing them into a chest). Previous…
If a shulker box loot chest is broken in a way that doesn't involve direct player interaction (eg. blowing it up), the produced item will cause a crash if any item in the inventory is picked up or if …
### Describe the bug
I have updated to 1.21 and all my of my chest has been "reseted" all stack inside has been set to 1 item
### To Reproduce
1 Minecraft 1.20.4 world with Reinforced Chest
When using the stacksin(shulkers) function. It calculates 30x the number of shulkers, which is not correct as there are 27 stacks in a shulker box.