I have four celltype, including CD4T, CD8T, B, NK cells, and three groups, including control, early, late. If I just want to compare differential splicing between control and early within CD4T and CD8…
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- Repository: https://github.com/alexchwong/SpliceWiz
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Hi all,
I was working on mRNA Splicing event analysis. I was using the JUM tool for mRNA splicing which gives 6 categories of splice patterns
for Visualizing these splice events I …
I have downloaded the BAM file from the spaceranger pipeline here: https://support.10xgenomics.com/spatial-gene-expression/datasets/1.3.0/Visium_FFPE_Human_Breast_Cancer? (Human breast cancer 1.3 …
Hello, @tkoolen! :slightly_smiling_face: I am trying to model the surface-to-surface contact between a humanoid's foot and flat ground. For that, I am defining four contact points per foot, similar to…
1. [Differential RNA Processing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10112/)
exon, intron, splicing, nRNA, mRNA
Differential RNA Splicing
splicing isoforms, small nuclear RNA (snRNA), spliceosome…
Dear All,
I am trying to reconstruct 16S rRNA gene sequences from metagenome and then use those predicted 16S to find functional profiling using picrust2. So I followed the following steps
Meeting note on Feb 26. 2021
1. DNA footprinting pipeline(shared by Shannon): http://www.regulatory-genomics.org/hint/introduction/
2. DNA footprinting paper (shared by Shannon): https://genomebiolo…
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- Repository: https://github.com/fchen365/surf
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