Did saw this [https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/issues/1772] ....
But I'm not able to make it run, whatever I have tried, I get either still on localhost, either an exception on armeria bind ( I …
Bug report.
When I using the brave-instrumentation-dubbo-rpc, if the dubbo-rpc reference has scope="injvm" param, the dubbo provider and consumer is in the same proess, there will be two problems.
php5.5.8发送zipkin server正常,
Hello guys. I've tried to start zipkin with AWS elasticsearch as a bacend but have such error in UI `ERROR: cannot load service names:`
Here is my docker run string
```docker run -d --name zipkin -p…
bash runAcceptanceTests.sh -t SLEUTH
bash runAcceptanceTests.sh -x
all fail with the same error:
kein Hauptmanifestattribut, in config-server/build/libs/con…
brave-instrumentation-dubbo-rpc provide filter for dubbo, but how to send log/report to zipkin server, can you make a demo for it?
hnmas updated
5 years ago
I'm running `istio 0.4.0` and send all traces to the `zipkin-to-stackdriver` deployment running container `gcr.io/stackdriver-trace-docker/zipkin-collector:v0.3.0`.
When I then run the `bookinfo` s…
I will explain the general situation, how we want the Trace's data in Zipkin to look, then detail the horrible hacks we had to do in order to achieve what we wanted. Finally, I'll ask for advice…
From one day onwards, my zipkin-dependencies job (storage: ES) run fail, and output logs like these, and how to resolve it ?
My zipkin-server version: 2.12.9.
both zipkin-dependencies version 2.1.0 …
This involves some spring magic and isn't particularly obvious on how to do it. I did it earlier today, but I'll have to look at it tomorrow to remember what exactly is needed. Here's what I remember …