### Describe the bug
When I call the `Get-R53ResourceRecordSet` function for a hosted zone it returns a collection of ResourceRecordSet. The value of the `weight` property is 0 even when there is no …
PETS-18: As a not affiliated Job Seeker
Given my skills
The system search for matches of jobs
We're a business member, so we can use the logo somewhere on our site.
I called ACA today to get permission to use the Affiliated logo on camp pages…
We currently have fortnightly tests set up against the development versions of Astropy, NumPy, and some other upstream packages. It would be helpful to describe in the contributor guide how affiliate…
We would like to propose a new SRO (STIX Relationship Object) between two Threat-Actors or between two Malwares. Indeed, we see in the past that some groups shut down its activities, and join…
Aggiungere un file dati (json?) come in [twofactorauth/data.json](https://github.com/2factorauth/twofactorauth/blob/master/data.json) per :
- lista della spesa
- fianza (amazon affiliate)
- ascolti
In some cases, it is helpful to have a historical record of affiliations, which allows users to see past affiliates of other users. It is possible to store this in a user's bio as free text, but more …
## User Story
**As a** user with a BC or ULC entity on COLIN
**I want** to see the filings I entered on COLIN
**And I want** to see outputs, scans or 'available on paper only'
**So that** all my corpo…
You could even make it an affiliate button to finance your endeavours.
kiddi updated
7 years ago