I'd be awesome to be able to add and subtract at the same time when using the height brush.
So grey pixels of the heightmap will leave the surface untouched, while white pixels will raise it and blac…
harmonics are the overtones that are included in a particular pitch.
They are a defining feature of a sound.
It would be nice to have a feature that allows the user to access just one of the ove…
Tested on Godot 3.0 af282b56feb8d84049f911dd1d91d82bd2211727
Windows 10 64 bits
The following script shows a memory leak:
extends Node
func _process(delta):
var mesh = Mesh.…
I noticed that in the ODC Tooth Library the normals of the left sector (21-27 31-37) are to be recalculated.
Also the topology of the mesial and distal connectors can be improved so as to create equi…
# Questions about Creative Technology
Please respond to this issue, discussing at least three of these questions. As your classmates respond, you should come back, at least one more time, and respo…
from Jaafer Elsadig via email:
plugin suggestion: a better sculpting workflow, I don't know how but sculpting in modo feels awkward at times, and lacks plenty of features that would make it more us…
### Wax injector
- https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wax+injector+jewelry
### Propeller Mixer
- Series BN: http://www.cicpro.com/manufacturers/nept…
Mám kámoše co se zabývá sochařením na živém
Sochařením na živém je trochu zvláštní slovní spojení, co se tím vůbec myslí? (cosplay, dělá masky, chirurgické/pastické úpravy, nebo něco takového: https:…
Got this little error at startup on Forge
[08:57:13] [Client thread/ERROR] [jei]: Failed to register mod plugin: class com.phylogeny.extrabitmanipulation.api.jei.JustEnoughItemsPlugin…
Currently does not handle craft skills. Add them