Hello Yiqing,
I have a setting similar to the Example 2 (voter turnout) given here: [https://yiqingxu.org/packages/gsynth/gsynth_examples.html](url). And my question is specifically related to diff…
Thank you for your work on kpLogo. Here is the question. Though you mentioned that there is no need for users to specify the ACGU alphabet (RNA would be converted to DNA automatically) , but I want to…
Suggestion from @mllewis:
It'd be great if we had a way on Metalab to do version control a little more systematically. I'm imagining adding an optional column to the data where you could indicate whi…
Dear Christopher,
I was looking at the IBS calculations produced by plink 1.9, and observed some problems relevant to my work. I created a minimal BED file with just one SNP and with 4 individuals…
Hi Vistalab,
We downloaded the code (i.e., vistadisp-master.zip) and used the Retinotopy program a long while ago.
(1) Recently, we found that the "retinotopy" GUI is updated with new parameter sett…
Per the instructions in each packet, you need to save the final plots each time with the proper name. None of your tasks have the correctly saved plots.
I'm a bit confused about how the RMS window length is computed in bz_FindRipples.m
Lines 132 reads: windowLength = frequency/frequency*11;
Which should always set the windowLength to 11 …
loadPackage "SimplicialComplexesTemp" -- at berkeley workshop github
loadPackage "Visualize"
openPort "8080"
o = getSymbol"o"
S1=simplicialComplex {a*…
I am using a genome-scale model and it's format is ".omex". Does anyone know how can I properly import the model in Matlab cobratoolbox?
I tried opening the file az a zip and importing the ".xml…