~~Gittip~~ *Gratipay* does not divulge who exactly gives to whom. The reason we do this is to preserve the "no-strings-attached" nature of the gifts. You know how unfriending someone on Facebook can b…
A web link we can go to and chat :)
Using http://shout-irc.com/
**Two-way replay protection must be provided in Bitcoin Gold**
Refer to #18
**The solution must feature**:
- two-way SIGHASH_FORK_ID replay protection
- clean and readable code
- automated test…
Byl jsem Tomášem Votrubou požádán, abych sepsal můj nápad, jak financovat komunitu. Berte, prosím, v potaz, že se jedná pouze o návrh.
Myslím si, že možnost přispět přes jedno tlačítko s výběrem, j…
cathon@linux-kfed:~/ComputerScience/OpenSourceProject/TranslateProject> sudo gn2 --list
Hi! Time Now: 12:14:02
find: File system loop detected; ‘/.snapshots/1/snapshot’ is part of the same fil…
I have a WRT3200ACM for which I am having performance issues with the wireless. I know that is not helpful as a bug report, but can try any debug requested. This is linked to an openwrt thread here:
Sorry to post this in the wrong place, on purpose. **The Android SDK is in dire need of some TLC**. I however am not an Android Dev. I am here to encourage experience Java devs to step-up, as **flovil…
Hey guys. ~~I just smoked a little bit of wee...~~ well, got some cool ideas about your project :)
I think we can turn it into very smart server manager, and just in some more bash oneliners included…
@polytypic are you open to this?
So, funny story ... I approached Jono Bacon in private email asking for a favor, help with an invite to #930. But my email was so poorly worded that he thought I was _offering_ to help with the [Commu…