As discovered while implementing on [Ensighten/spritesmith](https://github.com/Ensighten/spritesmith/), if there is no `src-test` folder, `doubleshot` errors out.
This is caused by a check done insid…
**THIS THREAD IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. THE PIXEL BOARD IS UP!!! https://trello.com/b/vwuE9fbO/habitrpg-pixel-art
This Github Thread is now permanently closed. Feel free to unsubscribe.... and head on ove…
USE THE TRELLO PIXEL BOARD INSTEAD!! https://trello.com/b/vwuE9fbO/habitrpg-pixel-art
This Github Thread is now permanently closed. Feel free to unsubscribe.... a…
Hey guys! First off, great work on this project.
This issue is focused on architecture and to start an open forum on said architecture.
My primary concern is that `fontcustom` is doing too many thin…