for easy graphics editing
just like pokeemerald
### What client do you play on?
### Faction
### Content Phase:
### Current Behaviour
Totems with tick time will be in combat when "tick proc" on target in combat.
We should improve the enemy AI. Currently, it picks from three random actions:
- Deceleration
- Acceleration towards player
- Acceleration in random direction
The last one causes erratic behavio…
* **rAthena Hash**: latest
* **Client Date**: x
* **Server Mode**: either
* **Description of Issue**:
* Result: 1) DEF reduction is incorrectly calced from gears when mobbed 2) DEF reducti…
Currently, if you add a colision shape that enemies collide with, enemies can still spawn on it.
マップファイルはC言語の構造体のような形のデータ宣言 (declaration) と割当 (mapping) ができる形にしようと考え中で、フォーマットは JSON形式 で良いかなかと。
``` json
"define": {
Counters like Madness Combat Project Nexus 2
when you receive a melee attack and at the right moment you press the block key you will do a counterattack,usually stunning enemies an…
The bullet will only count if it hits the enemy directly and not if it goes through its arm.
Create classes for player and enemies to allow us to have different types of player characters and enemies with different sprites, attributes and attack types.
Does what it says in the title.
May not be discussed too much at the meeting (9/16), but think on it over the next week, and plan to have ideas for the next meeting (9/25)
GOAL: Have preliminary…