please review. /cc @nesquena @timothy1ee
There seems to be a bug which is sometimes crashing the app. I am looking into that. The app is not polished too much. I have tried my best to make it look li…
A twitter application that post an Ayah every day linked to a searched query in the website www.alfanous.org
- Creating an application: https://dev.twitter.com/apps
- Posting tweets: https://dev.twit…
Twitter login is driving me nuts.
I use:
- Laravel 4.1.\* (last version)
- dev-master branch with composer (updated)
- localhost with host set to "http://foobar.dev"
- codesleeve/social/config.ph…
jrean updated
10 years ago
With the ease of integration of Disqus in mind, as well as the fact that Twitter is built in from the beginning, I suggest making it easier to configure--perhaps, like Disqus, with an "enabled" variab…
Tweet to a twitteraccount when "news" are posted
Should be able to tweet.
Should get tweets from a handle.
cc @kimberlyljx @codepathreview
**This idea is #- 5 proposed for GSOC 2018**
Use GitHub’s Pull Requests & Reviews to collaborate on a shared twitter account. Tweets are simply files in a repository. The GItHub app would enforce t…
Allow you to _"walk a mile"_ in someone else's Twitter account, receiving all of the (public) mentions they're getting
## Motivation
We want to periodically tweet the current statistics of the alliance.
Tweet example:
This is our weekly statistics update:
- Blocks minted: 701 (+3%)
- Live Stake: 50M (+12…