## Describe the current behavior in detail
Checked on https://wormhole-connect.netlify.app/ [Testnet] and https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] with macOS and Google Chrome.
Noticing on Detroit Production that the SW image is not loading correctly. Seems like we are linking to it via https and they only accept http (http://www.theneighborhoods.org/sites/the-neighborhoods/…
### 📝 개요
트다(트레이닝 다이어리) 서비스에 CI/CD를 도입하기까지 많은 과정이 있었습니다.
**CI/CD를 도입하게 된 배경**과 CI/CD의 **개념 및 사용법, 트러블슈팅**에 대해 소개하겠습니다 🤓
### 📍 CICD란?
- 개발자가 사용자들에게 서비스를 배포하기까지는 개발, 테스트, 빌드, 배포 등의 많은 과정이 필요합니다.
## Issue with Netlify Pretty URL option enabled
Hosting elm-pages site on Netlify with `Asset optimization -> Pretty URL` option turned on results in a redirect to trailing slash:
- No trailing sl…
am-on updated
2 years ago
# geensnor.nl - Dat zit wel snor!
The [current types](https://dev.decoupled.com/docs-magic-netlify#types) for Netlify Triggers lack detailed payload information.
For example:
interface NetlifyTriggers {
on(event: "depl…
Currently, `magic.netlify.on(...)` accepts only one handler per event type.
This is mainly because Netlify triggers lambdas on events depending on how the function files are named (as noted [here]…
Everything works correctly on my local machine but on Netlify im getting this error on the `postinstall-build` hook:
npm ERR! May not delete: /opt/build/repo/node_modules/react-polymorph/node_mo…
Can this plug-in work on Netlify?
If yes, how should it be implemented?
To install the module I tried to insert the plugin in the dependencies of the **package.json** file and the snipped code in…