Hello, Ouster team!
I am going to get cloud points from os1 lidar camera.
So I am working now with bag files in http://data.ouster.io/sample-data-2018-08-29/index.html .
In ubuntu my work is foll…
What is the best practice to record in the field with the Ouster OS-1?
I have had issues in the past with data loss. Is there an advantage to record to the raw format first, then record to the nati…
Hi everyone,
Has anyone managed to apply SLAM and produce an actual 3D pointcloud using Ouster's OS-1 Lidar ?
I am currently browsing to find a solution that creates not only floor maps but 3D mo…
I'm using a laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Lunar. I've been able to successfully build and run the ouster_client and ouster_ros packages. I can view the Ouster point cloud in RVIZ and everything see…
Hi, Ouster,
I just install your lidar on our vehicle's ECU, we run on Ubuntu. After I allocate the IP address correctly and start the visualizer by the command `./viz `, there is following error:
I was just wondering if you have plans to update the ouster_ros example to follow the standard format of ROS messages?
For example, the IMU message format (http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/sensor_ms…
I have a problem with the assets_writer and rosbag_validate reporting the warning `Failed to find match for field 'intensity'.` while running it with my bagged data. I don't have the possibility to up…